Reserve your copy now!

The Art of Physique Display, by Jim Park, is now being readied for distribution. This book, by the winner of Mr. America, Mr. World and Mr. Universe contests, is an inspirational and informative reference for the bodybuilder and art student. The text includes advice on posing for physique contests, training for impressive muscularity, and tips on diet. Illustrated with the best photographs of Jim Park, including several never before published, The Art of Physique Display sells for $2.00 and can be ordered from Jim Park, 1509 Continental Road, York, Pa. (No C.O.D. orders, please.)


Nuestros representantes en México tienen todos nuestros productos, incluyendo equipos completos. para gimnasios, barras Olimpicas, pesas, mancuernas, HI-PROTEEN, revista "STRENGTH & HEALTH" Etc.

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128 So. Alvarado Dept 9 Los Angeles 57, Calif.


Be our agent in your locality for "Muscle Town" Products. Selling provides a profitable part time or full time future, particularly when you have articles to sell that the people like, that the people want, that the people need. We have a number of products like that; barbells, dumbells, books, courses, magazine subscriptions, elastic exercisers, sun tan lotion, athletic rub, and HI-PROTEEN in powder form and HIPROTEEN tablets. These products are easy to sell; everyone needs them and will like them. Everyone is your prospect, your friends, business associates, factories, stores, offices, athletic teams, the army and navy. You can add to your income with these products, and you'll be doing the fellow a favor that you supply, too. Write for our sales plan.


York Barbell Company, York, Pa.


(Continued from page 44).

385 bench press, Bert Elliott's 365 bench press, Frank Spellman's 475 ful squat and lightweight Doyle Brewer's 325 bench press were top performances in the Odd Lift meet staged at Oakland on the 26th of March. Sensation of the women's section of this variety competition was Darlene Snelson, of Crowle's North-Park A.C. of San Diego. This 142-lb. barbelle champion did an upright row with 100, bench pressed 115, squatted with 205 and dead lifted 340. Finale of the marathon meet was Dennis Nelson's success among the muscular marvels vying for the Jr. Mr. Calif. title. This handsome 6'4" superman from Page's Gym was a finalist at last year's Mr. America Contest. Second place in this physical excellence event was won by Alex Bernard, of Walt's Gym, and Alvin Lee, of LaLanne's finished third.... Jerry Ross added to his prestige as a physique star by winning the Mr. Southern Calif. honors at Los Angeles in February, with Ludwig Shusterich in second place.... London Palladium will be filled to capacity on the 11th of June when the Mr. Universe events are staged at this famous theatre. Dick DuBois definitely intends to participate. Plans to remain in England for a time to study dramatics. Eventually he looks forward to visiting India in connection with his ardent interest in Yoga. George Eiferman is another of the Mr. America winners planning to compete in this year's Mr. Universe competition at London.

GYM GEMS:-Bosco and Paul Bunyan have a worthy rival in Ireland's Finn MacCoul. According to a legend, this Irish giant heaved the Cloughmore Stone across the Carlingford Lough to where it is perched in the Mourne Mountains. This large granite boulder weighs an estimated 40 tons.... Sit-up record was annihilated by Johnny Anthony Sam, the current Mr. South Africa. After six and a quarter hours this champion of stamina increased the endurance mark to 18,251 sit-ups.... Kono's astonishing strength capacity can be likened to a powerhouse with a reservoir of energy on tap. Not too


The famous BOSCO How-To-Do-It Books were written with just one thought in mind to show you simply and clearly just how the Champions developed their powerful bodies. All the so-called secret methods and shortcuts were discussed and diagrammed for your personal use. With their help any ambitious bodybuilder was prepared to make the most of his muscular possibilities in the quickest time. with the least loss of energy. These books enabled many men who had found other methods. unproductive to finally achieve the bulk and definition and strength they had longed for in


Unfortunately many of these practical books are now out of print. But fortunately, all of their valuable information has been put into a handy, easy-to-use system of instruction. THE BOSCO SYSTEM OF PROGRESSIVE PHYSICAL TRAINING, complete with large. charts and programs, showing you exactly what to do and when to do it to develop you to the limit of your possibilities.


The use of a unique double progressive principle enables you to get faster results than the average barbell user, and at the same time. conserves energy so that you never feel tired or stale, but vigorously alert and alive even after a training session. Full information regarding building bulk; diet; conditioning; separation and definition; muscle molding. Four distinct courses that take you from the beginning stage to the full peak of shape, strength and muscular perfection. The cost of this course is ten dollars, and it will be sent by first class mail the same day your order is received. A few Bosco Books are also still available for immediate delivery. All of these contain invaluable information about sensible modern training for those barbell users who want shape and proportion and genuine strength and fitness as well as size.


The Bosco System of Progressive Physical Training


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Bosco's Strength Notebook No. 2$ 1 Bosco's Strength Notebook No. 3.......$ 1 SPECIAL OFFER: To those who order the Bosco System, the other three books will be sent entirely without charge as long as supplies last.



Dear Bosco: I enclose $ for which please send me by return mail the items checked above. NAME



JULY, 1955

long ago this prodigious lifter had occasion to give an impromptu display for some of the big brass at a military base. Without much of a warm-up and attired in street clothes, Kono cleaned a 275-lb. barbell and pressed it three reps. After a short pause he repeated this remarkable performance. When World War II was in progress Henry "Milo" Steinborn toured Army camps giving exhibitions as a strongman wrestler. His barbell, which was loaded to 400 or more lbs., would be purposely left off the stage or ring. Assistance of the soldiers would be invited to hoist it up for Steinborn's strongman display. Volunteers would come forth in abundance. After an amusing demonstration of uncoordinated strength, the group of G.I. volunteers, usually numbering a half-dozen or more, would manage with floundering effort to elevate the ponderous barbell to the exhibition platform. Then, without much ado, this veteran hercules, who was then about 50 years old, would upend the barbell. From this position he would rock it across his shoulders and proceed to perform several full squats. This convincing showmanship aroused an enthusiastic response of appreciation from the audience for they realized the genuine heaviness of the barbell. PIECE OF MIND:-Three cheers for the Southern Calif. Weight Lifting Assn. for taking a step in the right direction in the management of physique contests. This year this capable organization has imposed a rule requiring all "Mr." contestants demonstrate their ability to lift a total of no less than three times bodyweight on the Olympic lifts. This gives encouragement to the hope that eventually major physique events will be further improved by making it compulsory for all finalists to give a talent display of a physical nature, such as tumbling, hand balancing, strength feats, etc. Prestige of the "Mr." contests would be greatly elevated and the audience. appeal would be increased by including the talent demonstration.... For some strange unknown reason, General Motors circulated a booklet among their vast personnel designed to belittle and discourage vigorous

(Continued on page 49)

You can make your abdomen trim and strong. You can make your clothes fit much better. You will not have that roll of fat around your middle depleting you of vital energy. You can't be ruptured if you have a strong abdomen. Look at yourself in the mirror right now.

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Strength & Health Publishing Company 51 N. Broad Street

York, Pennsylvania

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